How To Publicize Your Post With The Use Of Microsoft And Microsoft Publisher Made Easy

For Authors, Writers and Bloggers publishing one’s post has become a tremendous danger, there was a day I finished my writings on Microsoft the post contained a lot of images I guessed how possible could it be if I can directly publish it to my Blog but suggested copying the post, I selected all the posts including the images by pressing (CTRL + A) I opened my browser and in a jiffy visited my blog dashboard then I pasted the highlighted posts, when I pasted it I discovered that the whole text was pasted excluding the whole images that made me actively keep on research to find a way of publishing without waste much of my time so today am going about disclosing this great tutorial in order to be a benefit to my readers.

To publish your post directly from Microsoft Office  it requires a little step which is the use of (Microsoft Office Publisher 20007and the Microsoft itself, you should attentively and accurately follow up this tutorial and you will agree with me at the end how simple it.

After you might have typed or set your post from Microsoft, CTRL + A to select the all images and the texts, then CTRL + C to copy it to clipboard, See the sample below

Now Open your (Microsoft Office Publisher 20007) you need not to bother yourself, when you Click to open Microsoft from program apps on your computer the option is there, just choose Microsoft Publisher from there, see sample below;

Can you see it from the image above? Good let’s choose (Microsoft Office Publisher 20007) and continue with the tutor.
Now that we’ve opened or launched PUBLIHSER we are going to see something counterpart to this Image 

Now that we have launched our Microsoft Publisher let’s choose (Web Site) as seen below, Now you should scroll down to the bottom where you see (Blank Size) choose that;
   Now look at your right hand corner at the edge of the bottom of the page you are and click on (Create) you must now see a blank page which Is as this screenshot

Now look at the Left hand corner at the edge of the bottom of the page and click on (Change Page Size) when  you click it this page is going to appear ;
Just look to the top edge of your right hand corner and change only the Height of the page from 6084px  to 18808px now click OK and you will be taken back to the previous page (i.e Blank page) just click on that blank page and click (CTRL + V ) when you paste it it would appear like this on your screen
You don’t need to rearrange it you just need to save it , just CTLR+S to save it, Choose the folder you would like to save it to or leave the default one and then from the (Save as Type) choose (Web Page Filtered) now all the image contained in the whole post will be extracted and it will automatically be changed to an PNG extension images ,  Now go to the folder you saved it to, it will contain both HTML and folder , the title of the folder will be the name used while saving,  see mine  below;
That is its folder in document. Now see what is there after opening the  folder above;
Now from this stage I can now congratulate you on your success, because we are now through with the tutorial, the next is to open your browser and create a new post from your dashboard you will now be copying the copying the post one after the other, you will just need to launch, Microsoft, Browser and then after you might have copied and pasted your title copy the first text and stop where it’s next to image paste it and choose (Insert Image) from blog post dialogue. From here when you have chosen your folder press and hold CTRL and be selecting the whole images and click open when you are done and the whole  images will be upload there you will now be select the image in accordance with the text you pasted.

When you are through just publish your post and check your blog.
NOTE: with this method, you can write as much as you like from Microsoft and then use the publisher method you just learnt now to extract the images and then start posting them to your blog and you are advised to always divide your time, one for writings and later when you have many tutorials created you will then publish them, this method is the easiest and the simples method for bloggers, graphic designers, authors to publish their posts and it’s the preferable method for better Google ranking.

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About Unknown

Is a Nigerian blogger He loves internet stuffs and that is the main reason why He becomes a blogger, He is from ILORIN, KWARA STATE,NIGERIA you can read more about him from the bottom of this website where his name appears .
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